Sadimba was born in 1945 in the village of Nemu, Mozambique. Daughter
of farmers she first received the traditional Makonde education
that included making utilitary objects in clay.
the Makondes attribute the main part in society to women, in Mozambique,
and also in Tanzania, sculpturing is still a "man's job".
Maybe that is the reason why no one took Reinata Sadimba 's art
too seriously at first. 
in 1975 she initiates a deep transformation in her ceramics becoming
known worldwide by her "weird and fantastic forms".
Reinata Sadimba is now considered one of the most important women
artists of the entire African Continent. She has received several
prizes, exhibited her work in Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal or
Denmark and her work is represented in several institutions from
the National Museum of Mozambique, to the portuguese Etnographic
Museum or Culturgest's Modern Art Collection, and in numerous
private collections around the world.
"Outras Plasticidades" (1999) - Instituto Camões;
"Africa e Mediterraneo" Magazine (09/2002)