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(From 1967 until 1997, Fanizani's works were exhibited on the Annual Art Exhibition, National Gallery, Harare)

1968 - "New African Art" - Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, USA

1970 - Museum of Malawi, Blantyre, Malawi

- "Exposição Internacional de Arte Tengenenge" - Centro de Cultura e Art da Beira, Beira, Mozambique

- "Moderne Afrikanske Skulpturer" - Galerie Helliggest, Copenhagen, Denmark

1973 - Permanent exhibition "The Great Stone Garden" - Pretoria, South Africa

1975 - One man exhibition - Tengenege Sculpture Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

1978 - "The Art of the Shona of Zimbabwe" - Don Nelson, Cape Town, South Africa

1979 - Akis Gallery, Standard Bank Center, South Africa

- "Tengenenge Sculpture" - OK Mall, East Gate, South Africa

1980 - "Tenegenge Stone Sculpture from Africa" - Fein Garten Galleries, Los Angeles, USA

1981 - "Art from Africa" - Commonwealth Institute, London, England

1982 - Janet Fleisher Gallery, Philadelphia, USA

1983 - "Images in Stone" - Earl Sherman Gallery, Camarillo, California, USA

1984 - "Neue Kunst Aus Afrika" - Sammlung Gunther Péus Kubus, Hanover, Germany

1985 - "Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture"- Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State Univeristy, Michigan, USA

1986 - Irving Sculpture Gallery, Sidney, Australia

1989 - "Beeldhouwers Van Zimbabwe" - Belden Op De Berg, Wageningen, Netherlands

1990 - "Zimbabwe Sculpturen" - Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, Germany

- Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Yorkshire,England

- "Sculpture Contemporain du Zimbabwe" - Musée National des Arts Africains et Océanians, Paris, France

- Miles Garden Museum, Stockholm, Sweden

1992 - "Vroegen Beelden Huit Tengenenge" - Galerie de Strang, Dodewaard, Netherlands

- "Zimbabwe Sculpturen" - Stadstbucherei, Nidderau-Windecken, Germany

1993 - Galerie Im Schlossgarten, Gauangeloch, Germany

- Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlotenlund, Denmark

- "Talking Stones II" - The Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton, England

- "Kunst Aus Afrika Heute - Meisterwerk der Sammlung Péus" - Ludwig Forum fur Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany

1994 - "Tengenenge Oud - Tengenenge Nieuw" - Kasteel Gruneveld, Baarn, Netherlands

- "The Art of Africa" - Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlotenlund, Denmark

- "Sculptur der Shona" - Ludwig Forum fur Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany

1995 - "Ontmoeting in Harmonie" - Galerie de Strang, Dodewaard, Netherlands

- "30 Jaar Tengenege" - Galerie de Strang, Dodewaard, Netherlands

1996 - "Itai Tiong - Art Funding Art" - Chapungu Sculpture Park, Harare, Zimbabwe

1997 - "Moderne Afrikanische Kunst - Sculpturen aus Zimbabwe" - Mess Park, Munich, Germany

1998 - "Zimbabwe Stenen Getuigenissen" - African Museum, Tervuren, Belgium

2000 - Kew Gardens, London, England

2001 - "Seele in Stein" - Museum Alpin, Pontresina, Switzerland


[read about the history of shona sculpture here]


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